Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jin Notti 2009


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Merry Madagascar 2009

 Click Below To Download

NINJA 2009

A westerner named Casey, studying Ninjutsu in Japan, is asked by the Sensei to return to New York to protect the legendary Yoroi Bitsu, an armored chest that contains the weapons of the last Koga Ninja..

Click Below To Download

BEN 10-Alien Swarm 2009

The storyline of the television movie follows Ben as he makes the tough and somewhat contentious decision to break ranks with his fellow Plumber allies in order to help a friend in need. A mysterious girl in her own right, Elena, a childhood friend of Ben's, hints at an oncoming alien threat to the Earth. As such, Ben Tennyson, along with Gwen and Kevin, lend their super powered instincts (much to the latter two's displeasure) to help Elena in her mission to find her missing father, Validus.

 Click Below To Download

Monday, November 23, 2009

Momok The Movie 2009

Adlin yang bekerja di Bintulu, Sarawak, pulang ke kampungnya untuk bercuti. Seperti biasa, setiap kali pulang ke kampung, Adlin akan bertandang ke Warung Pak Ajis untuk menikmati Mee Calong dan bersembang kosong. Kepulangannya kali ini untuk bertemu ibunya Mak Ton, adiknya Isham dan Esah setelah berada enam bulan di Bintulu telah membawa satu pengalaman yang tidak akan dilupakan oleh beliau sepanjang hayatnya.

Bersama, Kadir, teman sekampungnya, Adlin telah ke warung Pak Ajis. Malam tersebut, selesai solat berjemaah di surau, Adlin dan Kadir ke warung Pak Ajis. Pelbagai insiden dan petanda yang seolah-olah menunjukkan sesuatu yang tidak baik akan berlaku. Setelah sampai di warung Pak Ajis yang terletak di tepi tebing sungai di hujung kampung, seperti biasa mereka mula bersembang sehinggalah kepada cerita mengenai kisah-kisah seram. Pak Ajis, Adlin dan Kadir juga mendapat teman bercerita, Noniswara, gadis India pekerja kilang yang di ganggu peristiwa seram menaiki bas tanpa pemandu ketika pulang dari kerja pada malam tersebut

Click Below to Download

Papadom [2009] DVDrip

Click Below To Download

HJ SPLIT-Untuk sambung download part

1.) Jenis file .001
Sesetengah uploader, akan zip-kan @ rar-kan dahulu, baru split ke .001.
Ada yg lain yg terus split file tanpa zip @ rar dahulu..
Kedua-dua nie sama jer..

2.) Bukak software HJ-Split. Pilih Join.

3.) Pilih Input File.

4.) Pilih file yang korang dah abis donlot tadi.

5.) Check status. Ouput file selalunya sama dgn Input file.

6.) Klik button Start. Korg bleh tgk kat Status.

Bila dah complete, korg cek dlm folder. Sepatutnya mmg dah ada file yg dah complete tu.

Harap anda semua dapat paham tutorial yg disediakan oleh saya.. Maaf la kalo kurang kemas sket..

Ada apa2 masalah, reply kat thread nie yer..

Tambahan dr amyputra : Thanks bro..

amyputra wrote:
bro afiq04..file suma tu dlm format rar kan???so hang cuba tick kat keep broken files...

ni aku bg gamba kat hang cara dia

mula2 hang double klik kat file rar yg hang nak extract tu..pastu klik kat extract to..

pastu kat tab general..klik kat Keep Broken Files dan pilih kat mana hang nak letak file tu...

arms_07 wrote:
Cyclic Redundancy Check or CRC error

This error message could be generated by any of the below reasons.

1. During the transmission of the file it became corrupt or bad
2. The file was sent inappropriately
3. The device being opened from is bad or contains errors
4. The file itself is bad or the program attempting to open the file is bad.

* Download the file again.
* Reinstall the program being used to open the file
* Attempt to open with a different program
* If the file is on the hard disk drive, run scandisk / defrag
* Assume the file is bad and cannot be recovered

~kdg2 trjd gak bl kta extract ttpi ttp kuar crc error w/pun kta dh tick kt broken files, so solution hyer satu jer knl psti part atau file yg error n redownload smla...

~hya itu pylsaian trkhir,mgkin sebab file kta dolod tu terbehenti kjp mser dlod n then resume blik mybbkan proses dolod xsmprna...